Invest your money

Best Ways to Invest Your Money in Egypt in 2023

In light of the economic crisis Egypt is going through as a result of the devaluation of the Egyptian pound against the dollar and the wave of price hikes that is currently sweeping across the markets, people start thinking of investing their money as a guarantee for their future and their children’s future, and to have additional income to rely on in times of crisis. There are many ways you can invest your money. In the next lines, we will explain the best ways to invest your money in Egypt in 2023.

Table of Contents

Best Ways to Invest Your Money in Egypt in 2023

1- Investing in Stocks

Investing in stocks means buying shares of ownership in a public company listed on the stock exchange. These shares will provide investors with a financial return, either by buying shares at a lower price and selling them at a higher price, making a profit, or through the profits that the company distributes to shareholders in the form of dividends on a regular basis.

Invest Your Money


  • Provide a steady and stable income.
  • Easily purchased from a broker, financial planner, or via the Internet.
  • An excellent option for diversifying the investment portfolio, as investors can buy stocks in several companies.
  • Provide high total returns in the long term, as the expected profits can exceed the expected growth of the market.
  • Obtain rights as a shareholder in the company, such as voting in general assemblies.

2- Investing in Certificates

An investment certificate is a paper certificate that proves the owner’s right to the amount deposited in banks according to the bank’s regulations. Some Egyptian banks, such as the National Bank of Egypt (NBE) and Banque Misr, have issued certificates with high returns, either monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual returns.

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  • A safe investment, offering high returns.
  • Risk-free as it will provide the investor with the same value of money he deposited with many profits and high interests.
  • Tax-free.
  • Obtain a loan from banks with the certificate’s guarantee

3- Investing in Gold

Investing in gold means buying gold jewelry, such as chains, rings, gold pounds, etc., and then selling it, but choosing the right time is very important when buying or selling gold, so you have to be updated with the gold prices every day and start buying when its price drops and sell it when its price increases to gain a lot of money.


  • Easy to buy and easy to keep.
  • Obtain a high return on investment (ROI) when selling it at times when the value of gold increases, which makes a high profit.
  • A store of value, especially in times of inflation.

4- Investing in Real Estate

Real estate investment means buying a property, with the aim of reselling it or renting it to obtain large financial gains. There are many types of real estate investment, including residential, commercial, administrative, and industrial investment.


  • A protection against inflation, regardless of market fluctuations.
  • Does not decrease in value over time due to the increase in demand for real estate.
  • A way to profit in the short term by renting the property or in the long term by selling it years later.
invest your money
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Invest and Establish your Company with AHG Chartered Accountants

If you decide to invest in commercial real estate and establish your own company, but you do not have any experience in the required legal and financial aspects, contact AHG Chartered Accountants, as we have a team of the best certified accountants who will help you establish your company with a strong legal and financial structure. They register the company with the competent authorities, provide advice on the appropriate quality of the company and the legal and administrative procedures, provide the necessary administrative support, including HR management, financial, and tax management, and provide continuous support to the company and investors, including providing guidance and advice on growth and expansion.

In this article, we have shown you many ways to invest your money in Egypt in 2023. But the final decision returns to you, you can choose the way that suits you according to your needs and budget