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Circular Economy CE as an Effective Driver to Sustainable Businesses 2023

What is the Circular Economy CE?

In recent years, the concept of a Circular Economy CE has gained significant traction worldwide. It aims to keep resources in circulation for as long as possible by designing products that can be easily repaired, reused, or recycled. This approach can help to reduce waste, conserve resources, and create new jobs.

Egypt’s Transition towards Circular Economy CE

The Circular Economy CE is gaining traction in Egypt as businesses and policymakers recognize its potential to drive sustainable economic growth. Although it is still in its early stages in Egypt, it has the potential to revolutionize the country’s economy and make it sustainable. The government and private sector are working together to promote Circular Economy principles.

Circular Economy CE

How Egypt Promotes Circular Economy Practices?

Egypt has exerted significant efforts in promoting Circular Economy practices in recent years. The country has actively worked towards:

1-Enhancing Waste Collection, Separation, and Recycling Systems

In 2018, the government launched a program called “Egypt Without Waste,” which aims to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and promote recycling and other sustainable waste management practices. This program includes various activities, such as awareness campaigns, infrastructure development, and business incentives to adopt sustainable practices.

In addition, in 2020, Egypt issued a law no. 202 of 2020, which promulgated a New Waste Management Law. This New Waste Management Law promotes Circular Economy principles by regulating waste management practices, including waste collection, transportation, and recycling.

Moreover, in 2021, the Egyptian government announced plans to build the largest waste-to-energy plant in the world in the City of Cairo. This plant will process 6,000 tons of waste per day and generate electricity that can be used to power homes and businesses in the City.

2-Implementing Sustainable Farming Practices

Using Crop residues, animal manure, and other organic waste materials as inputs for crop production reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. This approach has improved soil health and fertility, increased crop yields, and reduced farmers’ production costs.

Egypt also adopted Aquaponics, an integrated system that combines fish farming and hydroponic agriculture using a closed water cycle with low water and energy consumption. It can be provided by using renewable energy sources, such as solar energy to produce fish protein and crops Aquaponics, which are proven to be a highly productive and sustainable agricultural method in Egypt.

Benefits of the Circular Economy for Sustainable Businesses

The transition to a Circular Economy CE offers many benefits for businesses across various sectors in Egypt, including:

Extending the Products Lifespan

Circular Economy CE encourages businesses to embrace product life extension strategies, such as repair, refurbishment, and remanufacturing. By offering repair services, businesses can extend the lifespan of products, reduce the need for new purchases, and lower the overall environmental impact. Remanufacturing, which involves restoring used products to their original specifications, presents an innovative approach that reduces waste, saves resources, and enables businesses to create value from existing assets.

Reducing Costs over the Long Term

By adopting Circular Economy practices, businesses can optimize resource consumption, reduce waste management costs, and enhance operational efficiency. The Circular Economy also encourages businesses to rethink their production processes, utilize recycled materials, and implement innovative solutions, resulting in significant cost savings over the long term.

Creating New Job Opportunities

Transitioning to a Circular Economy CE necessitates a skilled workforce, creating employment opportunities across various sectors. From waste management and recycling to product repair and remanufacturing, the Circular Economy can stimulate job creation, enhance labor market resilience, and contribute to Egypt’s socioeconomic development.

Tapping into Emerging Markets

Embracing the Circular Economy CE can provide businesses with a competitive advantage by meeting the growing demand for sustainable products and services. By adopting circular business models, developing innovative solutions, and showcasing environmental responsibility, businesses can tap into emerging markets and attract environmentally-conscious consumers domestically and internationally.

Maximizing Community Engagement

Embracing the Circular Economy CE fosters collaboration between businesses, local communities, and stakeholders. By engaging communities in circular initiatives, such as recycling programs, educational campaigns, and sustainable supply chain partnerships, businesses can contribute to social cohesion, inclusivity, and shared responsibility for sustainable development.

What are the Challenges of Implementing the Circular Economy in Egypt & How to Overcome These Challenges?

Circular Economy CE

Despite the potential benefits, there are also many challenges to implementing the Circular Economy in Egypt, including:

Limited Awareness and Education

One of the primary challenges is the limited awareness and understanding of the Circular Economy concept among businesses, policymakers, and the general public in Egypt. Many stakeholders may not be familiar with the principles and potential benefits of circularity. Addressing this challenge requires robust educational campaigns, capacity-building programs, and knowledge-sharing platforms to raise awareness and promote a deeper understanding of the Circular Economy’s significance.

Infrastructure and Technology

Implementing the Circular Economy CE requires the establishment of appropriate infrastructure and the adoption of advanced technologies. Egypt may face challenges in waste management systems, recycling facilities, and the availability of innovative technologies for resource recovery and product remanufacturing. Investment in infrastructure development and technology transfer, along with public-private partnerships, will be crucial to overcome these challenges and create an enabling environment for circular practices.

Financing and Investment

Implementing Circular Economy initiatives requires significant upfront investments. Access to financing, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), can be a major challenge. Developing financial mechanisms, such as green bonds, grants, and low-interest loans, specifically designed to support Circular Economy projects, can help overcome this challenge.


The Circular Economy is a promising model for sustainable development. Egypt is well-positioned to adopt Circular Economy principles, and the government and private sector are working together to make it happen. By embracing the circular economy, Egypt can create a more sustainable and prosperous future. For more information about Egypt’s transition towards Circular Economy, click here.

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