tax-filing season 2024

The Minister of Finance Held an Open Meeting with ETA’s Leaders as the Tax-Filing Season 2024 Kicks Off

Tax-Filing Season 2024: The Minister of Finance Met ETA’s Leaders as It Launched

As the tax-filing season 2024 kicks off, the Minister of Finance, Dr. Mohamed Maait, held an open meeting with the leaders of the Egyptian Tax Authority at its new headquarters in the New Administrative Capital.

What was the Purpose of that meeting?

That meeting aims at expanding smart tax solutions as the tax-filing season 2024 kicks off to create a more advanced tax system, which will put Egypt in the ranks of the developed countries, encourage the business community to grow its productive activities, and attract more investment flows, as well as integrate the informal economy.

tax-filing season 2024

The Ministry’s Role in Upgrading Tax Employee’s Performance

The Ministry of Finance has been keen on investing in human capital to create generations equipped with optimal employment skills for the latest global technologies to enhance performance levels and accomplish required tasks with utmost precision according to the specified timeline.

It also continues to execute the national project for modernizing and automating the tax system as part of the comprehensive and integrated development journey, which is based on digital transformation and sustainable qualification of employees, ensuring the ability to deal professionally with digital systems and keeping up with global changes.

The Minister of Finance’s Statement During that Meeting

The Minister of Finance, Dr. Mohamed Maait, during his meeting with tax leaders as the tax-filing season 2024 kicks off, expressed his appreciation for all tax agents, the “financial judges,” for their dedication in fulfilling their duty to build their country and meeting the aspirations of the people for comprehensive and sustainable development.

He acknowledged that they are on a national mission to collect the state’s rights and spend on its security, education, and healthcare, as well as meeting domestic and external obligations, salaries, pensions, and more, stressing that the automated systems help all parties in consolidating tax justice by minimizing human intervention.

He turned his speech to tax agents, saying that they have already met the target and more, and he looks forward to achieving more during the tax-filing season 2024. He also stressed the need to achieve the tax, financial, and economic goals in light of the international crises, which put unprecedented pressure on revenues due to the slowdown in global economic activity and on expenditures due to the increase in prices of goods and services, caused by the disruption of supply chains.

He also added that he would continue to provide young leaders who are capable of giving with advanced expertise, believing that distinguished human cadres are what create strong and promising organizations, transferring accumulated experience from current leaders to leaders of the first and second ranks, which contributes to effectively upgrading the tax system’s performance sustainably.

tax-filing season 2024

Other Statements During that Meeting

Mr. Ramy Youssef, Deputy Minister of Finance for Tax Policies and Reforms, emphasized the importance of identifying challenges, proposing flexible solutions, and making serious efforts to fully transition to automated systems. He also stressed the need to develop effective mechanisms for dealing with accumulated old files during the tax-filing season 2024.

On her part, Mrs. Rasha Abd El-Aal, Acting President of the Egyptian Tax Authority, expressed her appreciation for the Minister of Finance’s direct communication with the tax authority leaders, coinciding with the launch of the tax-filing season 2024.

She commended the open dialogue on work systems, development mechanisms, and the dissemination of motivational messages that instill confidence in the employees and drive them to exert more sincere and dedicated efforts, emphasizing her commitment to selecting the best human resources and providing them with training that qualifies them to contribute effectively to decision-making within the tax authority, thus helping to achieve the desired goals.

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Now, we have covered everything related to that meeting held by the Minister of Finance with tax leaders. To learn more about that meeting, click here or here.

AHG Provides the Best Tax Services during the Tax-Filing Season 2024

As the tax-filing season 2024 kicks off, many business owners feel stressed and anxious. Don’t let tax complexities overwhelm you! AHG Chartered Accountants is here to ensure a smooth and successful tax season for your business.

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