We provide a full range of consulting services for Non-Profit organizations to help address your complex operational challenges
Financial Information
Good information is provided by trained and respected staff and professionals.
Financial Responsibility
Responsibility for making financial decisions and carrying out financial activities is shared throughout an organization. Responsibility needs to be supported with good information, frequent communication, and appropriate authority.
Operating Reserves
Every nonprofit needs to have some cash in reserve in order to respond to an unexpected downturn or opportunity. Is there a golden number that every organization should maintain, and how can a nonprofit build reserves
Financial Integrity
As public charities, nonprofits can expect to be held to a high standard of integrity and honesty in all financial activities. While policies, job descriptions, and internal controls help to maintain this integrity, they are built on the foundation of mission, values, and leadership.
Responding to Financial Problems
Sometimes things go wrong – contracts are lost, fundraising plans flounder, and expenses skyrocket. Responding to financial problems requires strong leadership, good communication, creative planning, and decisive action.
Petty Cash
You’ll have a lot of small, recurring expenses that you’ll need to pay right away, for example, to buy a computer power cord, stamps, etc. You’ll probably work from a petty cash fund. You might establish this fund by writing a check to your organization, and noting on the check that it goes to the “petty cash” fund. You’ll withdraw from the fund by filling out a voucher that describes who took the money, how much, for what and on what date.
Financial Statements
Your cash flow statement depicts changes in your cash during the year. Your statement of financial position depicts the overall value of your organization at a given time (usually at the end of the year), including by reporting your total assets, subtracting your total liabilities and reporting the resulting net assets. Net assets are reported in terms of unrestricted, temporarily restricted and permanently restricted assets.
For any inquiries regarding the Financial Management guidance, Audit, Accounting,
Tax or Consultancy in the Non-Profit Organizations Industry please do not hesitate to
contact us by clicking the following button.